Download Safehouse (2023) BluRay 1080p 720p 480p Dual Audio [HINDI & ENGLISH] [ Film] , Watch Safehouse Full Movie Online Free on KatMoviefix .
‘ No one is safe. ‘
Carla lives and works in Mexicali, Mexico. After her brother is killed, she’s forced to run. In the desert of Imperial Valley, she’s now trapped in a deadly game between the CIA, government Informants, and the cartel.
After Carla, a trainee doctor in Mexicali, discovers her brother is a cartel informant, her life changes forever. Forced to leave her home, she unintentionally ends up in the United States, travelling through an abandoned tunnel. Deep in the Yucca valley desert she becomes a prisoner in a remote CIA safe house. Here she is forced to use her skill, training, and survival instincts to stay alive, caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse between the CIA, the cartel and government informants.
Courtesy of Street’s tight scripting — as well as his directing, and with great editing — Safehouse comes in at an appreciated 80-minute running time. The cinematography is effectively framed and crystal clear; so while released as a streaming exclusive, Street delivers us a theatrical-level film. Its battle of wits between CIA agents, drug cartel baddies, and contract assassins is a tale that keeps you guessing — and watching to see where it will all go. (Nope, no plot spoilers, here: this page’s effective logline and plot summary takes care of that, for you reading this review.)
The casting is also appreciated; Street could have easily dealt us the name-on-the-box switcheroo, you know: like so many of the later-day Bruce Willis, Eric Roberts or Tom Sizemore streamers we’ve enjoyed (well, I do). Street could have also kept the action male-centric; instead he offers us well-written, strong female roles that belong here — with one that allows newcomer Alondra Delgado, as our damsel, to shine. Overall, Street gave a wonderful opportunity to a collective of unknown actors — and there’s not a bad performance among them. Robert Seay is a standout as the lead CIA agent who seems dirty, at first, but comes to have a heart inside him.
In the special effects department: Unlike most budget-conscious indie streams that go the CGI route, all of the gun play and blood splatter is all effectively done in-camera — and if it is not, well, then CGI-made blanks, squibs, and blood packets have gotten better because it all looks real to me.