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” Viral Hit Anime Dubbed in Hindi “
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#Viral Hit #HindiDubbed, #katmoviefix #Disney+ #Anime .
Bullied by his classmate and popular Newtube streamer Pakgo, Yoo Hobin spends his high school days suffering from humiliation and abuse. His troubles do not end there, though; outside of school, Hobin slaves away at a part-time job to pay for his mother’s hospital bills. One day, Hobin accidentally spills ramen on Pakgo’s cameraman Woo “Jiksae” Jihyeok, tripping over a cord and disconnecting the other boy from his gaming stream. Finally fed up with his miserable lifestyle, Hobin fights back and ends up in a pathetic brawl with Jiksae. The next morning, it is revealed that the camera from Jiksae’s stream had been recording the two boys’ entire embarrassing fight. Moreover, the footage was accidentally uploaded to Newtube and had gone viral overnight, earning Hobin a whopping ten million won from viewership. Drawn to the money Newtube streaming can offer him and his mother, Hobin works together with unlikely ally Jiksae to produce more videos of him fighting and see how far Newtube streaming can take them. Taking on bullies like Pakgo and other seemingly unsurpassable opponents, Hobin will either rise to the top of the streaming world or finally meet a foe he cannot outsmart.
Viral Hit is a great show. Coming from a unique “streamer” perspective, it is a good example of a Korean delinquency story. The plot is essentially that a poor high schooler, Hobin Yu (I don’t know his Japanese name but this other name is used in audio) is badly bullied, desperate for money, and ends up running a Youtube channel called Viral Hit, devoted to calling out bullies. It’s an interesting concept; Hobin doesn’t sugarcoat it, he wants money and he’s a bit scummy trying to get it. But at the same time he becomes an exactor of justice, and represents the victims of bullies who watch him. This all happens while the technicality of running a channel occurs, with some generic teen anime social dynamics and gag humour.
While I won’t say the ideas here are all flawless, and the execution of the show relies almost on an investment in Hobin as a character you root for and want to see develop, the reasons why this show works are simple. It takes a formulaic delinquent plot and action sequence and applies it to this unique scenario of a Youtube channel. What’s more, the fights in this show work even without the production quality. Definitely, this adaptation is cheaply done, basically like the panels of the Manhwa dubbed over and slightly animated, but it works because Viral Hit provides context on the world of martial arts, different moves, different fighting styles, and explains why Hobin is able to overcome stronger opponents. While undoubtedly there is some plot armour and a lot of lucky situations in the show, the story makes the fights more plausible by ensuring we see Hobin actually struggle to train to fight opponents. That’s something you don’t often see in delinquent anime. Hobin isn’t ridiculously strong, he just strategises. That’s why this show is interesting.
While not providing all the benefits of usual delinquent anime, it is better in many ways. As I have said, the nature of fights is more plausible, but also the characters are all very plausible. No character is shown to be totally perfect even in the main circle of characters – this is good for the show! You don’t have to have perfect characters, and the show understands – character writing is executed in a way where a person can do stupid things without you losing interest or starting to dislike them. It is a sign of good writing: even if the show isn’t perfect the characters are far more human because you expect them to make mistakes. I find this makes it easier to invest yourself in the show. Overall, the fighting itself takes a backseat when paired with the explanations of the fights in front of you, and the plot buildup and livestream style of the fights.
On that note I find it frustrating to see people hate on this show immediately for how it looks. It’s by no means a visual spectacle, but you can’t judge this show on how it looks. It is, fundamentally, a good show, and it is more watchable than Tokyo Revengers or Baki any day of the week. I just think people should give this show a chance. Don’t shoot me for that.
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