Download Virtuosity (1995) BluRay 1080p 720p 480p Dual Audio [HINDI & ENGLISH] [ Film] , Watch Virtuosity Full Movie Online Free on KatMoviefix .
The Law Enforcement Technology Advancement Centre (LETAC) has developed SID version 6.7: a Sadistic, Intelligent, and Dangerous virtual reality entity which is synthesized from the personalities of more than 150 serial killers. LETAC would like to train police officers by putting them in VR with SID, but they must prove the concept by using prisoners as test subjects. One such prisoner is ex-cop Parker Barnes. When SID manages to inject his personality into a nano-machine android, it appears that Barnes might be the only one who can stop him.
y are appearing in something worthy of an Oscar. I get that Denzel has to play things seriously due to what happened to his family and the assignment that he’s been given, but Stallone had the same emotional baggage in Demolition Man and he still managed to knock out some humourous one liners and some amusing exchanges with Snipes. You don’t get any of that here resulting in a fairly dull chase picture without a shred of good dialogue and one that doesn’t even benefit from a particularly good or memorable ending. Some of the supporting cast aren’t much better with the likes of William Fichtner being wasted by being given nothing to do and Kelly Lynch spending most of the film wandering round with a blank look on her face adding absolutely nothing to the film. Even the special effects look cheap and lame (and I’m trying to be objective and look at them from a mid 90’s standpoint as opposed to a modern day standpoint) and I still think they look poor.
In all honesty, I think, had it not been for Russell Crowe’s efforts, Virtuosity would be pretty much unwatchable, but he gives such a hammy over-the-top performance that it’s hard not to smile at least a little when he is on screen. Is he scary or particularly menacing? Not really, but at least he seems to buy into the nonsense that is this film and has a good time.
Whilst good for a few (presumably unintentional laughs) Virtuosity is a pretty dull thriller that is only enlivened from time to time via Crowe’s energetic performance. It does come close to almost being so bad that it’s good, but the key word here is ALMOST.
DISHONOURABLE MENTION; Barnes crashing in to the back of another cop car for no reason.